Three members of the new USS Colorado Submarine Association recently traveled to Groton, Connecticut to meet with the crew of USS Colorado with the purpose of defining how the new Association could best support the boat for the long term. Association President, Don Price and members JJ Mackin and Rick Riessen spent two days meeting with various members of the Command, including the Commanding Officer (CO), CDR Reed Koepp, Executive Officer (XO), LCDR Matt Wolff and Chief of the Boat (COB), Master Chief Chip Alger. They also paid a call on Squadron Four Commodore, CAPT Brian Sitlow. They met also with the officers of the Family Readiness Group (FRG), President Chelsea Taylor, Vice President Megan Petrasek and Treasurer Alana Buday accompanied by the CO’s wife, Aimee Koepp and XO’s wife, Tiffany Wolff.
It was a great visit! The hospitality of the crew was amazing especially considering their busy in port period. The visit kicked off with burgers and beer with the CO and several of the chiefs at a local restaurant.

There was a great exchange of information of ways to support the crew and families. Some of the items discussed were mid-deployment care packages, crew visits to Colorado, visits to Groton by Association members and support for FRG fundraising efforts that will allow for morale boosting events for the crew and families. Another plan is to coordinate donation of submarine dolphin warfare specialty pins by veteran submariners that will be passed on to USS Colorado sailors as they qualify in submarines to emphasize the heritage, traditions and history of the submarine force. The Association has already sponsored a pizza party in February for the families while the boat was away. They also discussed ways for the Association stay plugged in to information about the boats activities to keep Colorado supporters informed about their namesake submarine. During their time on board they were able to observe a number of commissioning gifts given to the crew in good use.
During the visit the Association members presented a special “battle flag” to the crew that they will display while in port and transiting on the surface. They were able to make the presentation during a crew assembly on the pier where a number of crew members received awards for superior performance. It was great to see many of the crew members who made trips to the state during the construction phase. The Association intends to continue those visits in the future, but with the ship now operating, the visits will not be as frequent. Association member Rick Riessen also brought along a number of goodies, such as coffee cups and t-shirts. Rick helped start a new tradition by arranging to have the Command Master Chief insignia worn by a previously served Chief of the Boat “passed down the line” and given to the current COB Chip Alger in a surprise presentation. The intent is to have this pin passed down from COB to COB on Colorado.

On the last night the Association members went to dinner with the CO, XO, COB and their spouses and had a great time further discussing support and exchanging many “sea stories” of one sort or another.
This visit helped strengthen the bonds between the state and the crew and demonstrate Colorado’s commitment to support them throughout the life of the boat.
The new Association is in the formative stages of development. In the near future the web site will be up and running with instructions on how you can join to support USS Colorado. Stay tuned.